Monday, March 28, 2011

The Exception to All the Rules

Sketchers is a bit of an anomaly when it comes to sports apparel. They are not typically the first company that comes to mind when thinking of a shoe to wear for exercising, but don't tell them. If fact, they created what might be the most controversial shoe ever: the Shapeups.

The Shapeups are not like any other shoe out there, and give an identity to Sketchers. It was quite brilliant of the management team to drastically change the image of what Sketchers stood for. The only people I had ever seen wearing Sketchers middle-aged women. Before the Shapeups, there were not many people in America that could relate to Sketchers. I am sure more people are aware of the brand now. They have become so popular that a radio show host on ESPN radio decided to give them a try.

Designed to make it easier to "workout" even during a busy day. There have been many converters and haters on this product. It is viewed as a fake as far as athletic wear goes. "They are just trying to attract those who don't workout," many have said. But that is exactly the point.

1 comment:

  1. Can you tell how the image has been changed? Did the company reposition themselves?
