Monday, April 11, 2011

Men Wear Lingerie?!

Under Amour founder Kevin Plank invented lingerie for men....sort of. He was a former University of Maryland football player who wanted to keep players dry, light and quick during practice and competition. He was tired of having his practice clothes constantly stick to him after had practiced hard and was dripping in sweat. So he created something that would solve that....Under Amour.

It is a synthetic material, which is elastic and flexible in nature, much like lingerie for women. But it is not a ladies only product at all. Since its inception in 1996, Under Amour has been worn by many National Football League players to protect themselves from the cold or the heat. And, the football crowd remains the largest segment for Under Armour.

Many of their commercials have a very excited football player exclaiming the team must protect the home field from defeat. This was a very effective ad to portray exactly what Under Armour stands for and how they want to be received. They are trying to venture out into different sports, but it has not been received as well has their foot ball line has been received. We will have to wait to see what happens.


  1. My experience with Under Armour products has been very positive. We have used Under Armour under soccer jerseys (male and female) very successfully!

  2. I am glad to hear you had a good experience with Under Armour soccer jerseys. I personally use their tights for running, and they are my favorite to wear in the cold.


  3. Under Armour is an atletete's dream in the Pacific Northwest. It adds the warmth you sometimes need without the bulk you don't want.

  4. I have never considered this brand for running because my perception is that it is mainly a product for football. I guess I should try it out. I'm looking forward to reading more about the brand.
